There is an enormous elephant in the room.
It is interesting to have Kamala Harris running for President of the United States for a couple reasons. The possibility of electing a Black woman as President. I wonder if people really comprehend what that means. In the founding of the constitutional Republic of the United States the actors were all white male landed Gentry which during that time were most white families.
Voting rights were highly restricted to a certain sector of society and a smaller group of electors from each state for the Presidency. That sector has maintained its control and power over the government throughout our history. It has determined all policies and laws for everyone. Changes evolved with the times with universal suffrage producing Representatives from all sectors of life.
“In January 1972 Shirley Chisholm, the first Black woman elected to Congress, appeared at a Baptist Church in Brooklyn and announced her candidacy for President of the United States. Chisholm was a singular force in American politics of the time: her support for civil rights and legal abortion made her a pivotal connection between the interests of African Americans and emerging mostly white, reproductive-rights movement.” New Yorker Magazine, p.9, August 5th, 2024.
Whether you are a Democrat, a Republican, or any other party, one must take close note to the similarities as well as changes taking place with Harris now praised by her party, the Democrats. What is most striking is that during one of Harris’s speeches she made it clear that the government had no place in telling women what to do regarding their pregnancies. What makes this especially important and interesting is the connection such a statement has in relation to medical freedom and body autonomy of every individual regarding government mandates, rules, and regulations.
The greatest implication is that the women's movement towards body autonomy is the continuing movement towards individual autonomy for everyone; that government must not take control of our health. We recognize that control of our health is a personal matter that we as an individual decide or whose parents decide for their children who are underage for all medical decisions.
The government can recommend but it cannot demand except for a special situation with certain qualifiers as specified in the proposed Medical Freedom Amendment. What we see is that State and Supreme court rulings have upheld the egregious government mandates which are in violation of our inalienable rights of medical freedom and the Rule of Law of Informed Consent.
There are people who oppose all abortion for any reason and others who have qualifiers. Either way this is not an issue for the government to take on. It is a matter of science and medicine balanced with body autonomy. The issue of individual inalienable rights, body autonomy, and medical freedom rights are the important issue and should be absolute.
The women’s movement is that ultimate link that Medical Freedom must be honored. A person's personal beliefs and how they manage their health is an individual matter and not one for the government to decide. It is a matter of a medical decision with advice of the doctor and the decision of the pregnant woman. Medical choice is for the preservation of life and its success.
Medical Freedom protects the medical choice of the mother and the health of the fetus. With the advice of the woman’s health care provider, she makes her decision. It is outside the role of government.
This brings us to the true enormous elephant in the room, COVID-19. This is what the government doesn't want to discuss, and for good reason. It seeks to hide true facts. It was a complete error of mismanagement and wrong decisions. We have legislative acts (The Patriot's Act and the the PREP Act) that took away medical freedom. In so doing, it set the stage to take away even more freedom. The government through its manipulation by extreme wealth of international corporations has used medicine in both a conspiratorial way and a totalitarian way to control individual health, behavior, choice, and control travel, banking, livelihood, education, agriculture, medical practice, alternative therapies, and a multitude of other things.
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a series of wrong decisions and has empowered government propaganda as facts while hiding true information. It has created extreme censorship, extortion, bribery and a host of other egregious acts against we the citizens and the medical and science professionals of the United States. It enabled the roll out of 5G with its 3,000 wave lengths, without debate, affecting all living organisms as scientifically shown to affect life at its deepest levels of RNA and DNA which gets expressed as a myriad of diseases.
We must address this issue publicly and confront it in the current debates for the Presidency. Medical freedom is the most intimate, critical issue of the American people and our representative government should not obfuscate and deny protection. This is an opportunity to address the grave mistakes of the last four years, to display all the lies and dispossessions. We must have confrontation of the explicit and widely recognized policies of censorship, abuse, injustice, and betrayal. We cannot allow the future to be a lifetime filled with despotism, tyranny, and feudalism. The government must confront this now. People are suffering and dying.
Let us demand the Presidential debates address Medical Freedom so we have a clear comprehension of where each candidate draws the line or endorses the Medical Freedom Amendment. We witness Harris promoting medical freedom for women and Trump advocating reduction of government overreach and against mandates. Will they each argue their position only, or will they come together for the benefit of the nation, and both endorse the Medical Freedom Amendment? What would be the outcome if Robert F. Kenned, Jr. were allowed to participate after having fallen from grace because he was against the COVID shots?
This is your opportunity to demand the Presidential candidates address this issue that affects every one of us!
Here is the fully updated Medical Freedom Amendment. This is the definitive, certain, and complete way to expel the government’s tyranny and despotism over our body autonomy and secure our medical freedom and informed consent. We must pass this amendment as the 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution.
"All people have the Right to secure their Health in the manner they choose. Congress, the President, State Legislatures and Executives, Governmental Agencies or Departments shall make no law, rule, regulation, countermeasure, executive, emergency order, or enter into any treaty or international agreement that impedes the Individual's rights to informed consent nor right to medical choice nor freedom of medical choice. The treaty provision of Article VI of this Constitution shall not apply in any way to this amendment.
Nor shall the President, Congress, State Legislatures and Executives, Governmental Agencies or Departments make any law, rule, regulation, countermeasure, executive, emergency order, or enter into any treaty or international agreement that impedes the Individual's right to medical privacy and freedom without individual and specific judicial warrant supported by Oath and affirmation of necessary cause to protect Society from Harm describing the Individual's condition and danger it presents."
Support the National Health Federation’s Medical Freedom Amendment Campaign to connect with your legislators and aid the lobbying of the NHF. The time is NOW!
-Michael LeVesque-