A Set of Problems - #1 BIGGEST Question!

The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates a large set of problems. Here is the first and biggest question. How did the problem result in a single solution by an experimental mRNA shot and its boosters (called vaccines) as the best and only solution for the pandemic? How is it that up to this very day the vaccine producers, scientists, administrators, and all others involved in saving the world using the mRNA vaccine maintain their confidence that it is still the best and only solution?
The complete entourage of these saviors ignore existence. They believe in their reality. They believe so deeply that they think all others who disagree are lunatics driven by some invisible force of irresponsibility that they are not only wrong, they are bad people and should probably be eliminated. Here is a detailed report by Madhava Setti and Liz Mumper revealing the Conference's reinforcement of solely promoting the mRNA shots as the only solution, need for propaganda techniques, and elimination of open discussion, and need for censorship at the 23rd World Vaccine Conference in Washington, D.C.
The conference speakers and most attendees appear to live in a flat world mindset tethered to an outdated belief system thinking they are on the cutting edge of science, blind to the constant expansion of knowledge passing them by. The leadership's greatest fear is that the followers of their narrative find out the truth of existence.
Meanwhile in existence, on April 6th, 2022, we have confirmation by the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) expert advisory committee (VRBPAC) all agreeing that the COVID-19 shots weren’t working, needed reformulation, and boosting was not the answer and that there were no correlates of protection. In other words, the mRNA shots were and are a failure. Nevertheless, if a person is so inclined to receive the shots, that is one's own decision. The problem is the government using mandates. propaganda and censorship to stop critical analysis.
We now have records of scientific proof of deaths and permanent disabilities from the proposed "life saving drugs". We have a general consensus and scientific proof that the experimental vaccines are not effective and cause more harm than good. There appears a war mentality where there is no war. It is health and science that needs to be discussed openly and freely.
The pharmaceutical people are in their own bubble of reductionist thought emanating from the German school of medicine of the early 20th century placed in full control of medicine in the USA, thanks to wealthy men who thought they knew what was best for this country. Whether it is Carnegie and Rockefeller back then or Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab today, we are looking at near sighted wealthy individuals determining our futures in ways they can't comprehend because they have their own narratives, biases and economic goals. They and the organizations benefiting from their wealth are creating an ignorant society and placing everyone in an unnecessary dangerous situation leading to catastrophe.
Like so many of these opportunists, pawns, and zealots saving humanity, they fight existence and ignore other narratives. It is a pathetic display of incompetence marked by highly gifted and talented individuals attached to their own results so strongly that they are failures. It is not only they that have failed, they have brought down many innocent people with them.
This is not only a wrong case of the ends justify the means - this is a case of true failure that must be shackled from destroying future generations. Passing the Medical Freedom Amendment gives the message strong and clear that the reactions of these individuals and organizations and government officials demonstrate true incompetence when competence was needed most. It requires protection of the freedom of the individual to say "No." to their goals.
Never should science of controversial issues be censored while seeking existence. Truth comes in many packages based on context and context alone does not define existence. In the world of the reductionist mentality, which is that of the pharmaceutical industry, all seems perfect within the bubble until it bursts because of its limitations that were unrecognized. What is more frightening is if those individuals knew those actions were wrong and their acts were done purposefully for their own increase in wealth, power, and stature. That is what we define as evil and conspiratorial.
This is a great hurdle and the BIGGEST problem in a set of problems we face. This is a major reason why freedom is so essential to health. As I wrote before, "In the overall view of the world, the People – you and I, know what is right and best for our health after we are fully informed. This recognition is not from judges or smart leaders – this recognition comes organically out of our experience of
what is right within each of us." Support the Medical Freedom Amendment. Support your inalienable rights.
The National Health Federation (NHF) is the first organization to endorse and support the Medical Freedom Amendment. Hopefully, other organizations will soon follow in NHF's footsteps. This comports with NHF's nearly seven-decades-long tradition of promoting and defending health freedom as well as its long history of consumer and individual health protection on local and global levels, including its unique position of participation in the Codex Alimentarius process.