Now, Right Now, Is the Time!

This is a large undertaking with long term and historical significance that provides protection and freedom for generations to come. Recently, two words were added in two places in the Medical Freedom Amendment's wording provided by Scott Tips, President of the National Health Federation. They are "rule" and "regulation".
The proposed 28th amendment to the US Constitution called the Medical Freedom Amendment is a long overdue addition to the Bill of Rights first suggested by Dr Benjamin Rush, the Doctor to the first US President, George Washington, and a signer of the Declaration of Independence. The necessity of this amendment for protection of our medical rights, medical freedom, and informed consent is clearly comprehended since the initiation of the COVID-19 pandemic by the WHO (World Health Organization).
The governmental and pharmaceutical industry have completely usurped the medical freedom, medical rights of we the citizens and further denied all of us informed consent by enforcing a medical experiment nationally on mRNA shots without specific information contained in the shot nor the enormously numerous contraindications known for the shots by the manufacturers before release. This is a betrayal of our representative government’s responsibility to protect society from harm, protect our individual sovereignty, and maintain the rights of medical privacy and medical freedom of its citizens.
Never Forget: A Retrospective On The Media Lies Surrounding COVID
by Tyler Durden
Sunday, May 14, 2023 - 01:00 PM
Lest we get too comfortable once again and forget that only a couple years ago the western world was on the verge of perpetual medical tyranny, it is important to look back at the massive media disinformation campaign concerning the effectiveness (or lack of effectiveness) of the pandemic mandates and the mRNA vaccines. Only two years ago, the public was bombarded by possibly the most aggressive global propaganda attack in modern history. And, this campaign was a conjoined effort between national governments, global institutions and corporations.
Keep in mind, all the hysteria was generated over a virus with a median official Infection Fatality Rate of only 0.23%. That's right, all the fear mongering featured in the video below was in reaction to a "pandemic" that 99.8% of the population would easily survive, and this death rate was known only months after the spread started. Also keep in mind that essentially every single claim made by the media concerning Covid featured below ended up being false.
In many cases, the media knew that scientific evidence ran contrary to their narrative, but they promoted that narrative anyway.
Enjoy this flashback of corporate media covid fear mongering, and never forget...
Covid Retrospective Series, Vol. 1
Media: The Unvaccinated Are Scum
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) May 12, 2023
Such behavior is a blue print of a fascistic paradigm that segregates, enforces a narrative that creates hate to those opposing the narrative.
Our governing bodies, which should protect our medical freedom, enhance community unity, have dictated special forms of care and so-called prevention that have proven to be wrong and harmful producing abuse, injustices, and dispossession.
On April 6, 2022, the members of the FDA expert advisory committee on vaccine safety (VRBPAC) unanimously agreed that the COVID-19 shots weren’t working, needed reformulation, boosting was not the answer, and that there was no protective benefit. In other words, the mRNA shots have been a failure. So, in the face of this expert consensus, the FDA immediately decides to okay and try something else, not caring what, not caring how many deaths, how many severely ill, or hospitalized there may be as long as they see an increase in the antibody count. The presence of antibodies has never proven significant protection – it is only a significant measurement and can be greatly misleading with the current mRNA injections.
This is intolerable. The government and the pharmaceutical industry have denounced and attacked scientific and experienced medical therapeutics that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives. Instead, the government without any authority dictated the use of remdesivir, respirators, and untested messenger RNA injections called ‘Vaccines” resulting in deaths and serious injuries.
Health professionals were fired by hospital administrators from their jobs. Seven hundred employees at the Mayo Clinic who refused the mRNA injection were fired. The CDC having never treated a single COVID-19 patient dictated to experienced doctors what treatment to use. Children at virtually no risk are forced to take the mRNA injection, and forced to wear masks in the classroom while placing them at a higher risk of meningitis. The long use of masks results in significant hypoxia (low blood oxygen levels), and hypercapnia (high CO2 levels) which have damaging effects on brain development.
The sloughing of the virus by asymptomatic vaccinated spread the disease to those unvaccinated. Interment camps in Australia for the unvaccinated appeared and considered here as well. There is a division of Americans by not providing truth in the media and controlling its speech and narrative. Most importantly, “early treatment” and the use of therapeutics would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives and would have been the most economical means to ensure protection and recovery of those ill. It would also have not required any shutting of businesses, schools, or churches.
We must act decisively and urgently to protect our medical rights and freedoms. Many other medical injustices have occurred long before this event. We all have now experienced the full impact of these government infringements and actions to censorship and propaganda resulting in divisions of family, and communities. This is a tragic situation that must be avoided in the future! It is necessary and compulsory to move as quickly as possible to enact the Medical Freedom Amendment, bring unity to the democratic process and seek jusrtice for such clear and obvious reasons demonstrated by the government acting against our best interests..The proposed 28th Amendment - Medical Freedom Amendment protects our sovereign rights of medical freedom and brings that unity of purpose.
"All people have the Right to secure their Health in the manner they choose.
Congress, the President, State Legislatures, Governmental Agencies or Departments
shall make no law, rule, regulation, counter measure, executive or emergency order that impedes the Individual's rights to informed consent nor right to medical choice nor freedom of medical choice. Nor shall the President, Congress, State Legislatures, Governmental Agencies or Departments make any law, rule, regulation, counter measure, executive or emergency order that impedes the Individual's right to medical privacy and freedom without individual and specific judicial warrant supported by Oath and affirmation of necessary cause to protect Society from Harm describing the Individual's condition and danger it presents."
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