Is this the end of Medical Freedom through the Courts?
The United States Supreme Court has ruled against Medical Freedom. On June 24, 2024 the Supreme Court rejected appeals brought over COVID-19 vaccines by the Children’s Health Defense (CHD), a nonprofit founded by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an independent candidate running for president.
The court rejected an appeal seeking to overturn lower court rulings that said CHD and its members lacked standing to sue the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over its emergency authorizations of COVID-19 vaccines for minors. In essence, the US Supreme Court denied debate to allow citizens a day in court.
It issued a clever, tricky response that states the problem that once existed brought on by the government was rescinded by the government recently because the mandates ended, making the issue moot. Moot means it is of no practical importance, irrelevant, and not presenting an open legal question. In essence, it's not debatable. The Court says the issue has been resolved because the government stopped mandating and there is no genuine case.
To demonstrate the illogical position. Let's suppose the Federal tax for this year was rescinded and you owed money for the previous year. You will not pay for last year because the law is no longer in force. Try it, and see how far you get with the IRS and the court system.
For all of those cases which went before the Lower Courts there was considered a true abdication of justice. There was financial and employment hardships and medical harm and death. Look at the chart below for the statistics suffered to minors This is unpardonable. There is and was a clear and obvious denial of constitutional rights and devastating harm. The people bringing the law suits had proof of harm. It is frightening to see the US Supreme Court fail in its duty and not consider the case upon its merits. Instead the court side swiped everyone by saying, "It doesn't matter anymore." it's all moot because the government isn't doing it anymore and therefore irrelevant. End of discussion and all your suffering- well too bad.
As a result no case precedents have been given to uphold our constitutional rights! This is what one can call conspiratorial. The balance of power no longer exists when the court steps up to the plate to protect the Executive Branch of government from accountability.This keeps the government's door wide open to issue repressive mandates.
These mandates did allow fear to take over the Nation and produce a country now deep in the pain of overcoming the bad effects of a "countermeasure" that was propagandized as a "vaccine". Even now people are still so attached to the media's past messages that they cannot comprehend the depth of the deceit, conspiracy, disenfranchisement, and abuse suffered by so many.
The increased harm to people of all ages is not reported in the general media. It is like all medical issues that should not happen but do. It is personal and hidden, not shared except among loved ones. Many of us know someone who has died recently most unexpectedly. Insurance companies know it and they are alarmed. Italy recently decided to re-evaluate the number of deaths from COVID-19 and found themselves reducing the number by 95%. When will this country share the facts? COVID-19 was like the flu season and for many wrongly handled and resulting in unnecessary death according to German authorities
Japan looked at the results of the "vaccinations" and came away angry by the enormous increase of death afterwards to the vaccinated.This country needs to do the same and it also has to come to terms with VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Report System) statistics.
So here we our. Is the government's course aimed to end Medical Freedom? It appears that way, especially with our involvement with the World Health Organization's new amendments!
Can we stop this and protect our inalienable rights? Yes. The National Health Federation has now committed itself to the passage of the Medical Freedom Amendment. How difficult is that? Very, very difficult. Why? When you want the government to do something as a special interest it involves some people. When you want to provide something that protects everyone, that 's a major grand project that involves everyone.
To my great gratitude, the National Health Federation has taken on this task and is the spearhead for its enactment. Here is one of the first steps through the NHF outreach and lobbying powers. Notify your Representatives in Congress using this simple NHF-MFA campaign.
The NHF is unwavering in its pursuit to make it a reality. With your efforts, support and donations to the National Health Federation (NHF) we embark upon this great political necessity of our times. This is the addition to our Bill of Rights that definitively protects our Medical Freedom by this Amendment to the US Constitution.
Now, more than ever, your support is necessary to spread the word, bring in new people, and financially support the NHF's long established fight to protect our health. I shall continue to keep you abreast of events and my Blog shall continue here. Thank you for your overwhelming support for this project.
Due to the dangerous relationship the United States government has with the World Health Organization (WHO), the Amendment now includes defense from the dangerous destruction of medical freedom by the WHO's recent actions (see the chart below).
Here is the Medical Freedom Amendment 28...pass it on...
"All people have the Right to secure their Health in the manner they choose.
Congress, the President, State Legislatures and Executives, Governmental Agencies
or Departments shall make no law, rule, regulation, countermeasure, executive,
emergency order, or enter into any treaty or international agreement that impedes
the Individual's rights to informed consent nor right to medical choice nor freedom
of medical choice. The treaty provision of Article VI of this Constitution shall not
apply in any way to this amendment."
"Nor shall the President, Congress, State Legislatures and Executives, Governmental
Agencies or Departments make any law, rule, regulation, countermeasure, executive,
emergency order, or enter into any treaty or international agreement that impedes
the Individual's right to medical privacy and freedom without individual and specific
judicial warrant supported by Oath and affirmation of necessary cause to protect
Society from Harm describing the Individual's condition and danger it presents."
Here is the link to our State and National campaign to your Legislators. Please use it
now and let us all move forward to securing medical freedom.
-Michael LeVesque-
The court rejected an appeal seeking to overturn lower court rulings that said CHD and its members lacked standing to sue the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over its emergency authorizations of COVID-19 vaccines for minors. In essence, the US Supreme Court denied debate to allow citizens a day in court.
It issued a clever, tricky response that states the problem that once existed brought on by the government was rescinded by the government recently because the mandates ended, making the issue moot. Moot means it is of no practical importance, irrelevant, and not presenting an open legal question. In essence, it's not debatable. The Court says the issue has been resolved because the government stopped mandating and there is no genuine case.
To demonstrate the illogical position. Let's suppose the Federal tax for this year was rescinded and you owed money for the previous year. You will not pay for last year because the law is no longer in force. Try it, and see how far you get with the IRS and the court system.
For all of those cases which went before the Lower Courts there was considered a true abdication of justice. There was financial and employment hardships and medical harm and death. Look at the chart below for the statistics suffered to minors This is unpardonable. There is and was a clear and obvious denial of constitutional rights and devastating harm. The people bringing the law suits had proof of harm. It is frightening to see the US Supreme Court fail in its duty and not consider the case upon its merits. Instead the court side swiped everyone by saying, "It doesn't matter anymore." it's all moot because the government isn't doing it anymore and therefore irrelevant. End of discussion and all your suffering- well too bad.
As a result no case precedents have been given to uphold our constitutional rights! This is what one can call conspiratorial. The balance of power no longer exists when the court steps up to the plate to protect the Executive Branch of government from accountability.This keeps the government's door wide open to issue repressive mandates.
These mandates did allow fear to take over the Nation and produce a country now deep in the pain of overcoming the bad effects of a "countermeasure" that was propagandized as a "vaccine". Even now people are still so attached to the media's past messages that they cannot comprehend the depth of the deceit, conspiracy, disenfranchisement, and abuse suffered by so many.
The increased harm to people of all ages is not reported in the general media. It is like all medical issues that should not happen but do. It is personal and hidden, not shared except among loved ones. Many of us know someone who has died recently most unexpectedly. Insurance companies know it and they are alarmed. Italy recently decided to re-evaluate the number of deaths from COVID-19 and found themselves reducing the number by 95%. When will this country share the facts? COVID-19 was like the flu season and for many wrongly handled and resulting in unnecessary death according to German authorities
Japan looked at the results of the "vaccinations" and came away angry by the enormous increase of death afterwards to the vaccinated.This country needs to do the same and it also has to come to terms with VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Report System) statistics.
So here we our. Is the government's course aimed to end Medical Freedom? It appears that way, especially with our involvement with the World Health Organization's new amendments!
Can we stop this and protect our inalienable rights? Yes. The National Health Federation has now committed itself to the passage of the Medical Freedom Amendment. How difficult is that? Very, very difficult. Why? When you want the government to do something as a special interest it involves some people. When you want to provide something that protects everyone, that 's a major grand project that involves everyone.
To my great gratitude, the National Health Federation has taken on this task and is the spearhead for its enactment. Here is one of the first steps through the NHF outreach and lobbying powers. Notify your Representatives in Congress using this simple NHF-MFA campaign.
The NHF is unwavering in its pursuit to make it a reality. With your efforts, support and donations to the National Health Federation (NHF) we embark upon this great political necessity of our times. This is the addition to our Bill of Rights that definitively protects our Medical Freedom by this Amendment to the US Constitution.
Now, more than ever, your support is necessary to spread the word, bring in new people, and financially support the NHF's long established fight to protect our health. I shall continue to keep you abreast of events and my Blog shall continue here. Thank you for your overwhelming support for this project.
Due to the dangerous relationship the United States government has with the World Health Organization (WHO), the Amendment now includes defense from the dangerous destruction of medical freedom by the WHO's recent actions (see the chart below).
Here is the Medical Freedom Amendment 28...pass it on...
"All people have the Right to secure their Health in the manner they choose.
Congress, the President, State Legislatures and Executives, Governmental Agencies
or Departments shall make no law, rule, regulation, countermeasure, executive,
emergency order, or enter into any treaty or international agreement that impedes
the Individual's rights to informed consent nor right to medical choice nor freedom
of medical choice. The treaty provision of Article VI of this Constitution shall not
apply in any way to this amendment."
"Nor shall the President, Congress, State Legislatures and Executives, Governmental
Agencies or Departments make any law, rule, regulation, countermeasure, executive,
emergency order, or enter into any treaty or international agreement that impedes
the Individual's right to medical privacy and freedom without individual and specific
judicial warrant supported by Oath and affirmation of necessary cause to protect
Society from Harm describing the Individual's condition and danger it presents."
Here is the link to our State and National campaign to your Legislators. Please use it
now and let us all move forward to securing medical freedom.
-Michael LeVesque-