The Destruction of Medical Freedom
By the early 1900’s medical care was highly competitive with many different approaches focusing on the Individual’s well-being and health. The United States was becoming the healthiest Nation in the world with the greatest medical freedom.
In 1910 the first major assault on medical freedom occurred with the Flexner Report, financed by the two richest men in America – John D. Rockefeller and Dale Carnegie, published by the Carnegie Institute. The report focused on the German school of medicine which placed research as the major focus and pharmacology as the only solution against diseases. No medical school could be created without the permission of the government. Within 10 years the number of medical schools dropped from 650 to 50, the number of medical students decreased from 7500 to 2500.
All medical research was required to fully adhere to the protocols of scientific materialism, medication, and vaccination. The focus changed from the well-being of the patient to medical experimentation. This became the standard for all American Medical Association (AMA) endorsed medical schools. All other approaches to health and medicine- which included Homeopathy, Chiropractic, Eclectic School of Medicine, Osteopathy, Electrical Medicine, and Massage were demoted as quackery.
With advances in biochemistry and biophysics allopathic medicine is outdated yet maintains its monopoly. The United States undoubtedly would be the healthiest nation with the lowest health care costs in the world if holistic traditional medicine had freedom to flourish. Holistic medicine schools look at the whole body and the environment in which it resides. We would not have the pharma/chemical international corporations poisoning our bodies, skies, air, soil, and ocean controlling health and our government.
Pharmaceutical medicines proved to have bad effects redefined as “side effects” and the fourth major cause of death in the United States. The health care system is held captive, and pharma advertising money controls the media, news, and editorial content. Sadly, two extremely wealthy men practicing their own form of pseudoscience thought that they knew what was best for our health. Sound familiar?
The major coup of medical freedom took place through our government’s participation, leadership, and subjugation. In 1997 the World Health Organization of the United Nations obtained full control over medicine for all the Nation members. The power of the Flexner Report is worldwide and allopathic medical care the world standard. It is enforced by our government.
A year earlier, a major coup was attained through the Telecommunications Act of 1996 that placed medical health outside the powers of medical science into the hands of engineers of the wireless industry. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had already determined the dangers of EMR pollution. This enables the industry unlimited expansion of wireless while exposing the entire population to electromagnetic radiation interictal spike pulsations so highly multiplied and strong they produce every conceivable illness, cancer, and the debilitation and destruction of nature.
The Big Coup is our Age of Pandemics. This is the coordinated efforts of government, military, medicine, and leadership. This is the big event where the public is blindsided, hoodwinked, gaslighted, deceived, defrauded, and victimized. We know its effects and fear more to come possibly dressed in new clothing.
The recent pandemic had the government produce a major news and social psychological propaganda campaign. Scott Tips, President of the National Health Federation, in the earliest days authored an article published in Health Freedom News that exposed the truth. - Spring 2020, Vol 38, No. 1- stating in essence that “the latest Coronavirus attack is a cover for restricting our health freedoms.” - Never Has So Little Done So Much Harm To So Many.
We now know the COVID shots were not vaccinations. The government approved the injections as anti-terrorists’ “countermeasures” in the form of technological computerized formulas in a sea of chemicals foreign to our bodies under authority of the Patriot Act of 2001, and the PREP Act of 2005 to function as a military response with immunity of liability. Technically, “the shots” are “countermeasures”, that is one word. In this case the "countermeasure" is a GMO injection. The results have been devastating as direct evidence from VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) government reporting system demonstrates.
The Medical Freedom Amendment is a national call for public participation to build a wall of defense for our most intimate freedom. We are in a state of crisis approaching a perfect storm that will produce apocalyptic results. We require leadership that will endorse the amendment in its full stature. Here is the Medical Freedom Amendment…
"All people have the Right to secure their Health in the manner they choose. Congress, the President, State Legislatures and Executives, Governmental Agencies or Departments shall make no law, rule, regulation, countermeasure, executive, emergency order or enter into any treaty or international agreement that impedes the Individual's rights to informed consent nor right to medical choice nor freedom of medical choice. The treaty provision of Article VI of this Constitution shall not apply in any way to this amendment.
Nor shall the President, Congress, State Legislatures and Executives, Governmental Agencies or Departments make any law, rule, regulation, countermeasure, executive, emergency order or enter into any treaty or international agreement that impedes the Individual's right to medical privacy and freedom without individual and specific judicial warrant supported by Oath and affirmation of necessary cause to protect Society from Harm describing the Individual's condition and danger it presents."
The Medical Freedom Amendment videos are on YouTube and the MFA blog March 2024 at in several languages.
Support the National Health Federation (NHF). It is the first organization to endorse and support the Medical Freedom Amendment. Hopefully, other organizations will soon follow in NHF's footsteps. This comports with NHF's nearly seven-decades-long tradition of promoting and defending health freedom as well as its long history of consumer and individual health protection on local and global levels, including its unique position of participation in the Codex Alimentarius process.
The NHF Medical Freedom Amendment Campaign
-Michael LeVesque-
In 1910 the first major assault on medical freedom occurred with the Flexner Report, financed by the two richest men in America – John D. Rockefeller and Dale Carnegie, published by the Carnegie Institute. The report focused on the German school of medicine which placed research as the major focus and pharmacology as the only solution against diseases. No medical school could be created without the permission of the government. Within 10 years the number of medical schools dropped from 650 to 50, the number of medical students decreased from 7500 to 2500.
All medical research was required to fully adhere to the protocols of scientific materialism, medication, and vaccination. The focus changed from the well-being of the patient to medical experimentation. This became the standard for all American Medical Association (AMA) endorsed medical schools. All other approaches to health and medicine- which included Homeopathy, Chiropractic, Eclectic School of Medicine, Osteopathy, Electrical Medicine, and Massage were demoted as quackery.
With advances in biochemistry and biophysics allopathic medicine is outdated yet maintains its monopoly. The United States undoubtedly would be the healthiest nation with the lowest health care costs in the world if holistic traditional medicine had freedom to flourish. Holistic medicine schools look at the whole body and the environment in which it resides. We would not have the pharma/chemical international corporations poisoning our bodies, skies, air, soil, and ocean controlling health and our government.
Pharmaceutical medicines proved to have bad effects redefined as “side effects” and the fourth major cause of death in the United States. The health care system is held captive, and pharma advertising money controls the media, news, and editorial content. Sadly, two extremely wealthy men practicing their own form of pseudoscience thought that they knew what was best for our health. Sound familiar?
The major coup of medical freedom took place through our government’s participation, leadership, and subjugation. In 1997 the World Health Organization of the United Nations obtained full control over medicine for all the Nation members. The power of the Flexner Report is worldwide and allopathic medical care the world standard. It is enforced by our government.
A year earlier, a major coup was attained through the Telecommunications Act of 1996 that placed medical health outside the powers of medical science into the hands of engineers of the wireless industry. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had already determined the dangers of EMR pollution. This enables the industry unlimited expansion of wireless while exposing the entire population to electromagnetic radiation interictal spike pulsations so highly multiplied and strong they produce every conceivable illness, cancer, and the debilitation and destruction of nature.
The Big Coup is our Age of Pandemics. This is the coordinated efforts of government, military, medicine, and leadership. This is the big event where the public is blindsided, hoodwinked, gaslighted, deceived, defrauded, and victimized. We know its effects and fear more to come possibly dressed in new clothing.
The recent pandemic had the government produce a major news and social psychological propaganda campaign. Scott Tips, President of the National Health Federation, in the earliest days authored an article published in Health Freedom News that exposed the truth. - Spring 2020, Vol 38, No. 1- stating in essence that “the latest Coronavirus attack is a cover for restricting our health freedoms.” - Never Has So Little Done So Much Harm To So Many.
We now know the COVID shots were not vaccinations. The government approved the injections as anti-terrorists’ “countermeasures” in the form of technological computerized formulas in a sea of chemicals foreign to our bodies under authority of the Patriot Act of 2001, and the PREP Act of 2005 to function as a military response with immunity of liability. Technically, “the shots” are “countermeasures”, that is one word. In this case the "countermeasure" is a GMO injection. The results have been devastating as direct evidence from VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) government reporting system demonstrates.
The Medical Freedom Amendment is a national call for public participation to build a wall of defense for our most intimate freedom. We are in a state of crisis approaching a perfect storm that will produce apocalyptic results. We require leadership that will endorse the amendment in its full stature. Here is the Medical Freedom Amendment…
"All people have the Right to secure their Health in the manner they choose. Congress, the President, State Legislatures and Executives, Governmental Agencies or Departments shall make no law, rule, regulation, countermeasure, executive, emergency order or enter into any treaty or international agreement that impedes the Individual's rights to informed consent nor right to medical choice nor freedom of medical choice. The treaty provision of Article VI of this Constitution shall not apply in any way to this amendment.
Nor shall the President, Congress, State Legislatures and Executives, Governmental Agencies or Departments make any law, rule, regulation, countermeasure, executive, emergency order or enter into any treaty or international agreement that impedes the Individual's right to medical privacy and freedom without individual and specific judicial warrant supported by Oath and affirmation of necessary cause to protect Society from Harm describing the Individual's condition and danger it presents."
The Medical Freedom Amendment videos are on YouTube and the MFA blog March 2024 at in several languages.
Support the National Health Federation (NHF). It is the first organization to endorse and support the Medical Freedom Amendment. Hopefully, other organizations will soon follow in NHF's footsteps. This comports with NHF's nearly seven-decades-long tradition of promoting and defending health freedom as well as its long history of consumer and individual health protection on local and global levels, including its unique position of participation in the Codex Alimentarius process.
The NHF Medical Freedom Amendment Campaign
-Michael LeVesque-