Reminder and Path Forward
Play this ballad as a reminder of the road to travel.
"Without the Medical Freedom Amendment,
health freedom will never become a reality."
The Medical Freedom Amendment Anthem is to motivate and enlighten us of the great opportunity, responsibility, and challenge facing this Nation. In our hours and days of major medical and health issues it is apparent they are a result of the landscape and its mismanagement in which we reside.
Pollution is the number one cause of disease. Pollution is broad and covers electromagnetic radiation pollution, chemical and pharmaceutical pollution, genetically modified organisms of bioengineering, and chemical trails of geoengineering pollution.
These pollutants are all sprayed, injected, radiated, exploded and spread without medical choice, or informed consent. These pollutants affect the soil, the ocean, lakes and rivers, ground water, air we breathe, the atmosphere, the food we eat, the creatures upon the earth and even the outer resonances of energy surrounding the Earth.
We have the means to change this, but it would bring economic losses to many who rely on building these systems. The great wealth that maintains these problems fight relentlessly to ignore them. However they are aware of what is happening and do all in their power to maintain its growth. It is a sad case of some form of corporate insanity that creates wealth for the few and suffering for the many.
In the Chorus the word "plough" is a reminder and tribute to our agrarian past as a Nation. At the beginning this country offered each person the opportunity of a home and land, a small farm to grow food for oneself and others, a guarantee of sustenance, strength, and independence.
In the South where plantations had monocrops of tobacco, cotton, peanuts and others there were small plots dedicated to gardens for subsistence of slaves. Today the landscape is filled with monocrops that fill the horizon and feed many. They consist of corn, soy, wheat, and others. The farms no longer employ the many as mechanization and soon the eventual robotics of synthetic intelligence will take its final disruption of human labor.
The same is happening in transportation where driver-less vehicles will take over taxis, ships, planes, and trains disrupting unions and human labor. This is in process and along with it has come personal surveillance, regulation of our health and personal lives. This extends to our cities, communities, and homes.
The human spirit is not meant to be replaced or imprisoned like a chain gang. During World War II people took their yards and any space where there was soil and planted a Victory Garden to grow food and maintain health.
That spirit is necessary now. We have an opportunity and responsibility, an obligation as citizens, to protect freedom, choice, and our health for ourselves and the future generations. The Medical Freedom Amendment is the necessary goal to place us outside the prison of feudal fascism and totalitarian slavery.
Most have left the farm, no longer infused with the connection to Nature, critical observation, and timely consideration. For all those who maintain this sacred relationship and others who recognize their loss, join now and together work to have the Medical Freedom Amendment as the 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution. It will be protection of our Freedom through the Law of the land and a beacon to the watching world.
Here is the Amendment to read:
"All people have the Right to secure their Health in the manner they choose. Congress, the President, State Legislatures and Executives, Governmental Agencies or Departments shall make no law, rule, regulation, countermeasure, executive, emergency order, or enter into any treaty or international agreement that impedes the Individual's rights to informed consent nor right to medical choice nor freedom of medical choice. The treaty provision of Article VI of this Constitution shall not apply in any way to this amendment."
"Nor shall the President, Congress, State Legislatures and Executives, Governmental Agencies or Departments make any law, rule, regulation, countermeasure, executive, emergency order, or enter into any treaty or international agreement that impedes the Individual's right to medical privacy and freedom without individual and specific judicial warrant supported by Oath and affirmation of necessary cause to protect Society from Harm describing the Individual's condition and danger it presents."
Please join the National Health Federation campaign below and please share with any other organization seeking medical freedom. Music and voice by Music video - udio (voice and music) lyrics by Michael LeVesque
Available on YouTube as a short
Pollution is the number one cause of disease. Pollution is broad and covers electromagnetic radiation pollution, chemical and pharmaceutical pollution, genetically modified organisms of bioengineering, and chemical trails of geoengineering pollution.
These pollutants are all sprayed, injected, radiated, exploded and spread without medical choice, or informed consent. These pollutants affect the soil, the ocean, lakes and rivers, ground water, air we breathe, the atmosphere, the food we eat, the creatures upon the earth and even the outer resonances of energy surrounding the Earth.
We have the means to change this, but it would bring economic losses to many who rely on building these systems. The great wealth that maintains these problems fight relentlessly to ignore them. However they are aware of what is happening and do all in their power to maintain its growth. It is a sad case of some form of corporate insanity that creates wealth for the few and suffering for the many.
In the Chorus the word "plough" is a reminder and tribute to our agrarian past as a Nation. At the beginning this country offered each person the opportunity of a home and land, a small farm to grow food for oneself and others, a guarantee of sustenance, strength, and independence.
In the South where plantations had monocrops of tobacco, cotton, peanuts and others there were small plots dedicated to gardens for subsistence of slaves. Today the landscape is filled with monocrops that fill the horizon and feed many. They consist of corn, soy, wheat, and others. The farms no longer employ the many as mechanization and soon the eventual robotics of synthetic intelligence will take its final disruption of human labor.
The same is happening in transportation where driver-less vehicles will take over taxis, ships, planes, and trains disrupting unions and human labor. This is in process and along with it has come personal surveillance, regulation of our health and personal lives. This extends to our cities, communities, and homes.
The human spirit is not meant to be replaced or imprisoned like a chain gang. During World War II people took their yards and any space where there was soil and planted a Victory Garden to grow food and maintain health.
That spirit is necessary now. We have an opportunity and responsibility, an obligation as citizens, to protect freedom, choice, and our health for ourselves and the future generations. The Medical Freedom Amendment is the necessary goal to place us outside the prison of feudal fascism and totalitarian slavery.
Most have left the farm, no longer infused with the connection to Nature, critical observation, and timely consideration. For all those who maintain this sacred relationship and others who recognize their loss, join now and together work to have the Medical Freedom Amendment as the 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution. It will be protection of our Freedom through the Law of the land and a beacon to the watching world.
Here is the Amendment to read:
"All people have the Right to secure their Health in the manner they choose. Congress, the President, State Legislatures and Executives, Governmental Agencies or Departments shall make no law, rule, regulation, countermeasure, executive, emergency order, or enter into any treaty or international agreement that impedes the Individual's rights to informed consent nor right to medical choice nor freedom of medical choice. The treaty provision of Article VI of this Constitution shall not apply in any way to this amendment."
"Nor shall the President, Congress, State Legislatures and Executives, Governmental Agencies or Departments make any law, rule, regulation, countermeasure, executive, emergency order, or enter into any treaty or international agreement that impedes the Individual's right to medical privacy and freedom without individual and specific judicial warrant supported by Oath and affirmation of necessary cause to protect Society from Harm describing the Individual's condition and danger it presents."
Please join the National Health Federation campaign below and please share with any other organization seeking medical freedom. Music and voice by Music video - udio (voice and music) lyrics by Michael LeVesque
Available on YouTube as a short