Without the Medical Freedom Amendment,
Health Freedom will never become a reality.
Everyone comprehends the importance of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion because there are Constitutional Amendments in black and white that maintain, secure, and protect those important inalienable rights as legal necessity to the continuation of Freedom and are always before us.
As Amendments they stand as barriers to all who wish to destroy those freedoms. This is also the necessity of the Medical Freedom Amendment, for the continuation of the Health of the Nation, and protection of inalienable rights, informed consent, body autonomy, and Life.
It is wrong to protect the international pharmaceutical/chemical companies. the wireless industry, and the government Agencies that maintain monopolistic control of the Nation's Health and each person's personal health. It is wrong for any International Organization or Treaty to control a person's medical choices. How can we as individuals possibly fight the secretive medication of ourselves and our children as well as the obvious overreach of clinics and schools? There must be a barrier to actions that deny Freedom and Life.
For example, if we had the Medical Freedom Amendment the addition of fluoride (fluorosilsilic acid) to our water would not have been allowed from the start. It is universal medication without medical supervision. What each person is getting is not known, how it is affecting each person is not known. Finally after all these years a court decision has proven what we who study the issue long knew. It reduces brain function.
Of course in New Zealand they already knew fluoride causes hip fractures. They studied bone tissue during an epidemic that occurred twenty years after fluoride was added to public water and witnessed how fluoride seeks calcium and stopped the enzymatic action for repairing bone tissue resulting in thin brittle bone tissue that with the slightest bump fractured.
Some people have thyroid problems, and as a halogen, like iodine, the heavier fluoride kicks out the iodine replacing it alongside the Tyrosine amino acid molecule as it goes to the thyroid gland, but now instead of enzymatic action, the action is destroyed. The job of fluoride is not as a nutrient. It is the opposite because it stops enzymatic action. To be a vitamin such as Vitamin B-1 means it provides necessary enzymatic actions for health. Fluoride is used medically to shut down an overactive thyroid. So if the thyroid is low acting the results of fluoridates water are harmful to a person.
To know Truthful facts is the most important necessity to demonstrate the important need for the Medical Freedom Amendment. Truthful facts have emerged and the general public remains uninformed because of massive propaganda by the great wealth generated by questionable medical practices. That is why we must protect Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press. Most important we must protect Life and the personal inalienable right to secure one's health in the manner one chooses with informed consent, and medical choice.
Some may say that the right to make your medical choice is already protected. There is proof, more than ever, that is not true by looking at the past few years displaying brutal denial. There is NO protection without the written force of a Medical Freedom Amendment to stop abuse, degradation of health and egregious behavior. We cannot be relied on sources that do not have our best interests and personal needs as their goals. We live in a world were the unexpected happens and censorship excludes solutions.
The present points to our living in a state of corporate Feudal Fascism where others control and decide our personal welfare, health and medical decisions. This is true for every man and woman who may need medical care. Medical decisions based on Feudal Fascism affects each individual's life. Every person needs to be protected from medical malpractice, overreach, experimentation whether it is the government or medical industry's "Standard of Care" producing harm and against one's personal choice.
Each person, man, woman, pregnant woman, or whatever, must be protected from laws that overreach and deny the medical rights of an individual for their health and protection. This perhaps will seem wrong for some when bias enters the picture, but bias has no place in Freedom. No law should pass that denies anyone their inalienable rights to medical choice and Life. Medical practice is an individual special relationship and should not be destroyed.
Rather we need to support the Medical Freedom Amendment to have health protection from any and all government, international agreements, and treaties that impede Medical freedom. Here is the Amendment as stated:
"All people have the Right to secure their Health in the manner they choose. Congress, the President, State Legislatures and Executives, Governmental Agencies or Departments shall make no law, rule, regulation, countermeasure, executive, emergency order, or enter into any treaty or international agreement that impedes the Individual's rights to informed consent nor right to medical choice nor freedom of medical choice. The treaty provision of Article VI of this Constitution shall not apply in any way to this amendment."
"Nor shall the President, Congress, State Legislatures and Executives, Governmental Agencies or Departments make any law, rule, regulation, countermeasure, executive, emergency order, or enter into any treaty or international agreement that impedes the Individual's right to medical privacy and freedom without individual and specific judicial warrant supported by Oath and affirmation of necessary cause to protect Society from Harm describing the Individual's condition and danger it presents."
The Medical Freedom Amendment videos are on YouTube and the MFA blog March 2024 at MedicalFreedomAmendment.org in several languages – Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, and Italian. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-h2K-8HUvU
Join the National Health Federation. Take part in supporting the Medical Freedom Amendment. Go to Campaigns at https://thenhf.com/pass-the-medical-freedom-amendment/
The NHF Medical Freedom Amendment Campaign
-Michael LeVesque-
As Amendments they stand as barriers to all who wish to destroy those freedoms. This is also the necessity of the Medical Freedom Amendment, for the continuation of the Health of the Nation, and protection of inalienable rights, informed consent, body autonomy, and Life.
It is wrong to protect the international pharmaceutical/chemical companies. the wireless industry, and the government Agencies that maintain monopolistic control of the Nation's Health and each person's personal health. It is wrong for any International Organization or Treaty to control a person's medical choices. How can we as individuals possibly fight the secretive medication of ourselves and our children as well as the obvious overreach of clinics and schools? There must be a barrier to actions that deny Freedom and Life.
For example, if we had the Medical Freedom Amendment the addition of fluoride (fluorosilsilic acid) to our water would not have been allowed from the start. It is universal medication without medical supervision. What each person is getting is not known, how it is affecting each person is not known. Finally after all these years a court decision has proven what we who study the issue long knew. It reduces brain function.
Of course in New Zealand they already knew fluoride causes hip fractures. They studied bone tissue during an epidemic that occurred twenty years after fluoride was added to public water and witnessed how fluoride seeks calcium and stopped the enzymatic action for repairing bone tissue resulting in thin brittle bone tissue that with the slightest bump fractured.
Some people have thyroid problems, and as a halogen, like iodine, the heavier fluoride kicks out the iodine replacing it alongside the Tyrosine amino acid molecule as it goes to the thyroid gland, but now instead of enzymatic action, the action is destroyed. The job of fluoride is not as a nutrient. It is the opposite because it stops enzymatic action. To be a vitamin such as Vitamin B-1 means it provides necessary enzymatic actions for health. Fluoride is used medically to shut down an overactive thyroid. So if the thyroid is low acting the results of fluoridates water are harmful to a person.
To know Truthful facts is the most important necessity to demonstrate the important need for the Medical Freedom Amendment. Truthful facts have emerged and the general public remains uninformed because of massive propaganda by the great wealth generated by questionable medical practices. That is why we must protect Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press. Most important we must protect Life and the personal inalienable right to secure one's health in the manner one chooses with informed consent, and medical choice.
Some may say that the right to make your medical choice is already protected. There is proof, more than ever, that is not true by looking at the past few years displaying brutal denial. There is NO protection without the written force of a Medical Freedom Amendment to stop abuse, degradation of health and egregious behavior. We cannot be relied on sources that do not have our best interests and personal needs as their goals. We live in a world were the unexpected happens and censorship excludes solutions.
The present points to our living in a state of corporate Feudal Fascism where others control and decide our personal welfare, health and medical decisions. This is true for every man and woman who may need medical care. Medical decisions based on Feudal Fascism affects each individual's life. Every person needs to be protected from medical malpractice, overreach, experimentation whether it is the government or medical industry's "Standard of Care" producing harm and against one's personal choice.
Each person, man, woman, pregnant woman, or whatever, must be protected from laws that overreach and deny the medical rights of an individual for their health and protection. This perhaps will seem wrong for some when bias enters the picture, but bias has no place in Freedom. No law should pass that denies anyone their inalienable rights to medical choice and Life. Medical practice is an individual special relationship and should not be destroyed.
Rather we need to support the Medical Freedom Amendment to have health protection from any and all government, international agreements, and treaties that impede Medical freedom. Here is the Amendment as stated:
"All people have the Right to secure their Health in the manner they choose. Congress, the President, State Legislatures and Executives, Governmental Agencies or Departments shall make no law, rule, regulation, countermeasure, executive, emergency order, or enter into any treaty or international agreement that impedes the Individual's rights to informed consent nor right to medical choice nor freedom of medical choice. The treaty provision of Article VI of this Constitution shall not apply in any way to this amendment."
"Nor shall the President, Congress, State Legislatures and Executives, Governmental Agencies or Departments make any law, rule, regulation, countermeasure, executive, emergency order, or enter into any treaty or international agreement that impedes the Individual's right to medical privacy and freedom without individual and specific judicial warrant supported by Oath and affirmation of necessary cause to protect Society from Harm describing the Individual's condition and danger it presents."
The Medical Freedom Amendment videos are on YouTube and the MFA blog March 2024 at MedicalFreedomAmendment.org in several languages – Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, and Italian. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-h2K-8HUvU
Join the National Health Federation. Take part in supporting the Medical Freedom Amendment. Go to Campaigns at https://thenhf.com/pass-the-medical-freedom-amendment/
The NHF Medical Freedom Amendment Campaign
-Michael LeVesque-